Sensor module in airway, between respiratory valve and test lung (outside image)

Flow Sensor

Design specifications

  • Flow up to 2 l/s
  • Volume accuracy of +- 50ml
  • Capable of accurately measuring air with high oxygen concentrations
  • Bidirectional flow measurement
  • Sampling rate of 100 Hz
  • High availability

Flow element

The most common flow sensors measure the differential pressure on both sides of an obstruction in the flow path. This obstruction is referred to as the ‘flow element’. This means that the shape of the obstruction determines the magnitude of the difference in pressure. The shape and size of the flow element are very important  to get the correct pressure behaviour.

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Sensor module internal raster for differential pressure measurement

The flow element that was used for all the designs is based on the flow element of the Sensirion EK-P4 Evaluation Kit.
The behaviour of this element is documented in the Application Note of said Evaluation Kit.

A calibration graph was created, using a calibrated flow sensor (FLUKE V900A) in series.

The minimum pressure range that the flow sensor needs to measure can be determined from the equation of the curve that is fitted on the graph.

p =0,0096 N·ssl² · V2+0,4356  Nsl· V = 0,0096 · (120 sl/min)2+ 0,0096 · 120 sl/min ≈ 190 Pa 


p = pressure difference from flow element in Pa

V= volumetric flow in standard liter

The total pressure range of the needed sensor should be at least  ±190 Pa.

Sensor Selection

The SDP line of Sensirion has several different sensors with different pressure ranges and communication interfaces.

chipPressure RangeCommunication
SDP31±500 PaI2C
SDP32±125 PaI2C
SDP36±500 PaAnalog
SDP37±125 PaAnalog

The SDP32 and SDP37 chips are not usable for this application due to their insufficient pressure range. The choice was made to select the SDP31 chip because of the I2C interface which is easy to implement into the electronics layout. It also bypasses faults introduced due to the A/D conversion.



The sensor can measure the airflow in two directions.
It is important to detect a difference between the inhaled and exhaled air.
The point of zero air flow must be digitally set to 0.
This calibration is done when no air is flowing during startup of the machine.

The pressure created by the flow element will differ with different gas compositions.
This has been implemented in the firmware code when extra oxygen is added to the air input.


When designing the casing there are some aspects that require extra attention.

The connection between sensor and measuring points inside the tube needs to be airtight.
The connections to the tubes need to have a 22mm tapered connector (according to the ISO 5356 standard).

The flow sensor is placed very close to the patient.
Extra caution needs to be exercised to not damage the cable or connector. A strain relief is required.

In the first version of the casing, the flow and pressure sensor are located on two different PCB’s, which complicates the casing as seen above.

In newer versions, the pressure and flow sensors are located on the same pcb,  which results in a smaller and cleaner design of the casing.

Epoxy for airtight sealRubber seal
2 PCB used for sensorsSensors put on one PCB

Pressure sensors

The pressure inside the lungs must be referenced against the atmospheric pressure.

To compensate for the atmospheric pressure a differential measurement shall be performed. This can be done by using a differential pressure sensor, but these are quite expensive and less common. Another possibility is using two sensors, where one measures the atmospheric pressure and the other sensor measures the pressure inside the tube.

Pressure sensor requirements are:

  • Pressure range up to 80mbar over atmosphere
  • Resolution of minimum 2 mBar
  • Measurement of high oxygen environment
  • Sampling rate of 100 Hz
  • High availability
Bme280 Bmp280 MPL3115A2
Pressure Range300 hPa – 1250 hPa300 hPa – 1100 hPa200 hPa – 1100 hPa
Pressure Resolution0,18 Pa0,16 Pa1,5 Pa
Pressure Accuracy1,5 hPa1,0 hPa4 hPa
Sampling RateUp to 182 HzUp to 157 HzUp to 100 Hz
CommunicationSPI, I2CSPI, I2CI2C

Caption: Comparison between pressure sensors

Based on a comparison of the specifications of the different sensors, the BME280 pressure sensor was selected, because of its extended operational range, high sampling rate and excellent availability. The MPL3115A2 is used as a backup, secondary sensor to add redundancy.

Both are wired to the same I2C bus with 3.3V signaling levels, which are then level shifted using a discrete MOSFET level shifter to 5V signaling levels.

Both pressure sensors run at 3.3V, which is provided on-board by a linear regulator of type MIC5504-3.3.

Datasheet BME280


This sensor is mounted together with the flow sensor on the same casing near the patient.

Sensor Interface

The sensors that are located near the patient can be as far as 3 meters away from the motherboard.
As a consequence of this distance, the resulting lengthy cables can cause the capacitive load on the bus to be too high, degrading the signal. The maximal capacitive load on the bus specified by the I2C standard is 400pF.
When the capacitive bus load exceeds 200 pF a current source is advised in place of a pull-up resistor add ref.

The solution for this problem was using an I2C-bus extender. The chip chosen for this application is the P82B715.
It increases the maximum bus load up to 3 nF.


The USB connector is a USB micro type specifically chosen for its ability to be made airtight using a rubber seal:


As all sensors in the module near the patient use I2C, they can be implemented on a single sensor board, and connected through the machine with a single 4-wire cable.

A single micro-USB cable is being used for this purpose.


The same board and module is resused in the oxygen circuit.
Correct I2C-adress selection must be done in hardware by placing diferent resistors:
Adress 0x21 – use R8=0 O for main flow sensor
Adress 0x22 – use R8= 1,2 k for oxygen flow sensor
R7 should remain open.

Use R10 (connect SDO to 3.3V) to select address 0x76 – select this on oxygen flow module – Leave R9 open

Placing both R9 and R10 creates a short, do not do this.
SDO cannot be left floating.

CAD-model of the sensor module can be found on the downloads page.

PCB-design of the sensor pcb can be found on the downloads page.