Video illustrating test setup:
The machine is connected through a single tube to a respiratory valve (partially red) – air then goes through the pressure and flow sensor (test setup, not final sensor implementation) – then through the Fluke VT900 to an adjustable test lung. Exhalation goes back to respiratory valve and out through manually adjustable PEEP-valve (green)
( Fluke on loan from Rood, test lung on loan from Technimed)
This is still prototype 7. We will switch the test setups to Beta version 1 as soon as these arrive.
NOTE: we are aware connection between respiratory valve and patient should be as short as possible – just not very practical to do in this test setup.
Video demonstrating interface (non-touchscreen version):
Setup start at RR=20, Ppeak=30cmH20 and a PEEP setting of 10.
Video shows adjustment of RR, Ppeak, ramp settings, IE-rate, and the adjustment of the PEEP-valve.
-alarms have not been set correctly yet in this setup
-IE units should be adjusted in the interface.
IE=0.5 in this version means 50% of total time is inhalation. So IE=0.5 is 1/1, IE=0.33 is 1/2.
-Values in the teal rectangle at the right of the screen should show measured values for P, V, RR, MV – not active in this demo.
Static image, where you can read the small print
(open in new tab to enlarge)
Video demonstrating the use of breathing trigger:
Video demonstrating breathing support through pressure-trigger or flow-trigger.